His Books and Articles

This bibliography of the writings of F.F. Bruce has been adapted from the excellent bibliography in F.F. Bruce: A Life by Tim Grass. The list that follows has three sections: (1) Books and Booklets, (2) Magazine and Journal Articles, and (3) Contributions to Other Books. The arrangement in each section is chronological with the earliest writings first. The exception is that at the end of the Articles section is a listing of some of the magazines and journals for which Professor Bruce wrote regularly with articles listed by publisher. When we are aware of the availability online, we have indicated where it can be found.

Some of F.F. Bruce’s writings appear in various places. For instance, the contents of The Epistle to the Ephesians: A Verse-by-Verse Exposition appeared first in The Believer’s Magazine. And the early chapters of The Gospel of John first appeared in The Bible Student published in India. A number of his books have been published under various titles, which are indicated.

F.F. Bruce was amazingly prolific and this list is almost guaranteed to be incomplete. For instance, we are aware of a series of articles published in the 1980s under the heading “Is It Really True?” but we have so far been unsuccessful in discovering what magazine they were published in.

Books and Booklets

Are the New Testament Documents Reliable? (six editions) (Inter-Varsity Fellowship UK / Eerdmans / InterVarsity Press US, 1943 – 2003. In 1960 the title was changed to The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2018)

The Speeches in the Acts of the Apostles (Tyndale Press, 1943) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/tp/speeches_bruce.pdf

Archaeology and the New Testament (Church Book Room Press, 1947) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/cbr-press/archaeology-nt_bruce.pdf

The Hittites and the Old Testament (Tyndale Press, 1948) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/tp/hittites_bruce.pdf

The Books and the Parchments: Some Chapters on the Transmission of the Bible (5 editions) (Pickering & Inglis / Fleming H. Revell / Marshall Pickering 1950 – 1991); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2018)

The Dawn of Christianity (Paternoster, 1950), later part of The Spreading Flame 

The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary (three editions) (Tyndale Press / Eerdmans / Apollos / Wipf & Stock, 1951 – 1998)

The Growing Day: The Progress of Christianity from the Fall of Jerusalem to the Accession of Constantine (Paternoster, 1951), later part of The Spreading Flame

Light in the West: The Progress of Christianity from the Accession of Constantine to the Conversion of the English (Paternoster, 1952), later part of The Spreading Flame)

The Spreading Flame: The Rise and Progress of Christianity from Its First Beginnings to the Conversion of the English (three editions) (Paternoster / Eerdmans / Wipf & Stock, 1953 – 2004) Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2017)

Commentary on the Book of the Acts: The English Text with Introduction, Exposition, and Notes, NICNT (Eerdmans / Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1954), revised edition (Eerdmans, 1988)

The Sure Mercies of David: A Study in the Fulfilment of the Messianic Prophecy  (Evangelical Library, 1954) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ffb/david_bruce.pdf

The Christian Approach to the Old Testament (Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1955), second edition, Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1959) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ivp/approach-ot_bruce.pdf

Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls (three editions) (Paternoster / Eerdmans / Wipf & Stock, 1956, 1961, 1966, 2006; Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2017)

The Epistle to the Ephesians: A Verse-by-Verse Exposition (two editions) (Pickering & Inglis / Fleming H. Revell, 1961/1962, 1968); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2012)

(with E.K. Simpson) Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and the Colossians. The English Text with Introduction, Exposition and Notes NICNT / NLCMT (Eerdmans / Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1957)

New Horizons in Biblical Studies (University of Sheffield, 1957)

The Teacher of Righteousness in the Qumran Texts (Tyndale Press, 1957) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/tp/qumran_bruce.pdf

Antichrist in the Early Church (Durham & Sons, 1959), reprinted in A Mind for What Matters, pp. 181-97.

Biblical Exegesis in the Qumran Text (Eerdmans / Tyndale Press, 1959) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/tp/qumran-exegesis_bruce.pdf

The Defense of the Gospel in the New Testament (Eerdmans, 1959, 1978) – three editions, first and second edition published by Inter-Varsity Fellowship as The Apostolic Defence of the Gospel: Christian Apologetic in the New Testament (1959) and a revised edition published by Inter-Varsity Fellowship as First-Century Faith: Christian Witness in the New Testament (1977); Ebook (Kingsley Books as Defending First-Century Faith, 2017)

The English Bible: A History of Translations (three editions), (Lutterworth / Oxford University Press, 1961, 1970, 1979); a paperback edition was published by Methuen in 1963

Paul and His Converts: 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, (Lutterworth / Abingdon, 1962. Revised edition published as Paul and His Converts: How Paul Nurtured the Churches He Planted (InterVarsity Press / Highland Books, 1985); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2017)

The Epistle to the Romans, TNTC (Tyndale Press / Eerdmans, 1963)  Second edition published as The Letter of Paul to the Romans: An Introduction and Commentary (InterVarsity Press / Eerdmans, 1985, reformatted and published by IVP US and UK, 2008)

Israel and the Nations from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple (Paternoster / Eerdmans, 1963), revised edition (Paternoster, 1983), revision by David F. Payne (Paternoster, InterVarsity Press US, 1998) Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2021)

The Epistle to the Hebrews, NICNT / NLCNT (Eerdmans / Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1965), Revised edition, Eerdmans, 1990. Now part of the Eerdmans Classic Biblical Commentaries collection.

An Expanded Paraphrase of the Epistles of Paul (Paternoster, 1965), published as The Epistles of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase by Eerdmans, 1965, reprinted by R.N. Haynes, 1981; Ebook (Kingsley Books as The Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase, 2017)

The Epistles of John: Introduction, Exposition and Notes (Pickering & Inglis / Fleming H. Revell, 1970 / 1971), reprinted by Eerdmans, 1979, Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2018); reprinted with The Gospel of John by Eerdmans, 1994

This is That: The New Testament Development of Some Old Testament Themes (Paternoster / Eerdmans, 1968/1969, reprinted by Wipf & Stock, 2004); Ebook: (Kinglsey Books as The New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes, 2017)

New Testament History (Thomas Nelson, London, 1969); (four revised editions – first three by Oliphants / Doubleday, 1971, 1977, 1980. Fourth by Pickering & Inglis, 1982); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2018)

St. Matthew (Scripture Union / Eerdmans, 1970, 1971), reprinted by A.J. Holman, 1978; Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2014)

Tradition Old and New (Paternoster / Zondervan, 1970; reprinted by Wipf & Stock, 2006)

1 and 2 Corinthians, New Century Bible (Oliphants, 1971; reprinted by Eerdmans / Marshall Morgan and Scott, 1980)

Answers to Questions (Paternoster / Zondervan, 1972 / 1973)

The Message of the New Testament (Paternoster / Eerdmans, 1972 / 1973) Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2022, as Discovering the Message of the Bible. This ebook also includes The Message of the Old Testament by H.L. Ellison.

Jesus and Christian Origins outside the New Testament (Hodder & Stoughton / Eerdmans, 1974), revised edition published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1984

Paul and Jesus (Baker / SPCK, 1974 /1977)

The “Secret” Gospel of Mark: The Ethel M. Wood Lecture Delivered before the University of London on 11 February 1974 (Athlone Press, 1974), reprinted in The Canon of Scripture (InterVarsity Press US / Chapter House, 1988) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/emwl/mark_bruce.pdf

In Retrospect: Remembrance of Things Past (Paternoster / Baker, 1980), revised edition (Marshall Pickering / Baker, 1993); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2017)

Paul: Apostle of the Free Spirit (Paternoster, 1977); published as Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free (Eerdmans, 1978); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2021)

The Time is Fulfilled: Five Aspects of the Fulfilment of the Old Testament in the New, (Paternoster, 1978 / Eerdmans, 1979, reprinted by Wipf & Stock, 2006)

I Want to Know What the Bible Says about the Work of Jesus, (Kingsway, 1979); published as What the Bible Teaches about What Jesus Did (Tyndale House, 1979); published as The Work of Jesus (Kingsway, 1984), and published as Jesus Past, Present and Future: The Work of Christ (InterVarsity Press, 1998); Ebook (Kingsley Books as What the Bible Says about The Work of Christ, 2018)

Men and Movements in the Primitive Church: Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity, (Paternoster, 1979), published as Peter, Stephen, James, and John: Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity, (Eerdmans, 1980); Ebook (Kingsley Books as Peter, Stephen, James, and John: Non-Pauline Diversity in the Early Church, 2017)

Places They Knew: Jesus and Paul (Ark, 1981); published as Jesus and Paul: Places They Knew, (Thomas Nelson, 1983); published as In the Steps of Our Lord, (Kregel, 1997) and In the Steps of the Apostle Paul, (Kregel, 1995)

Acts, Bible Study Commentary (Scripture Union / CLC, 1982); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2017)

The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians: A Commentary on the Greek Text, NIGTC (Paternoster / Eerdmans, 1982)

Paternoster Bible History Atlas, (Paternoster, 1982); published as Carta’s Bible History Atlas (Carta, 1982); published as Bible History Atlas (Crossroad, 1982).

1 & 2 Thessalonians, Word Bible Commentary, (Word / Thomas Nelson, 1982)

The Gospel of John, (Pickering / Eerdmans, 1983); Ebook (Kinglsey Books, 2018); reprinted with The Epistles of John, (Eerdmans, 1994)

The Hard Sayings of Jesus (Hodder & Stoughton / InterVarsity Press, 1983); incorporated into Hard Sayings of the Bible (InterVarsity Press, 1996)

Philippians, Good News Commentary (Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1983 / Pickering & Inglis, 1994); revised edition published in the New International Biblical Commentary (Paternoster, 1989 / Hendrickson, 1990, 1995); published as part of the Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Baker, 2011)

Abraham and David: Places They Knew (Scripture Union / Thomas Nelson, 1984)

The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon and to the Ephesians, NICNT (Eerdmans, 1984)

St. Paul the Preacher: “Diamond Jubilee” Lecture 1983. Lecture Given to the London Baptist Preachers’ Association on Friday 18th November 1983 (London Baptist Preachers’ Association, 1984)

Paul and the Mind of Christ (Religious & Theological Studies Fellowship, 1985) online at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/rtsf/christ_bruce.pdf

The Real Jesus: Who is He? (Hodder & Stoughton, 1985), published as Jesus: Lord and Savior (InterVarsity Press, 1986)

Student’s Atlas to the Bible (Paternoster, 1986)

The Pauline Circle (Eerdmans / Paternoster, 1986), reprinted by Wipf & Stock, 2006); Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2017).

The Canon of Scripture (InterVarsity Press / Chapter House, 1988)

A Mind for What Matters: Collected Essays  (Eerdmans, 1990 / Paternoster, 1992)

Magazine and Journal Articles

“The Proof of God’s Love” (Nairnshire Telegraph, May 3, 1932)

“The Early Church in the Roman Empire” (Bible Student, Bangalore, 1933) – available at http://earlychurch.org.uk/pdf/bs/empire_bruce.pdf

“The Chester Beatty Papyri” (The Harvester, 1934)

“The New Gospel” (The Harvester, 1935)

“Early Translations of the Bible” (The Harvester, 1936)

“Latin Participles as Slave Names” (Glotta, 1936)

“The Syriac Bible” (The Harvester, 1937)

“The Bible Comes Alive” (The Harvester, 1938)

“Bible Versions” (The Harvester, 1938)

“The Earliest Latin Commentary on the Apocalypse.” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1938); reprinted in A Mind for What Matters (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1990)

“The Latin Bible” (The Harvester, 1938)

“Some Roman Slave-Names,” (Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical Society: Literary and Historical Section, 1938) – available at http://theologicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ffb/slave-names_bruce.pdf

“Old Testament Criticism and Modern Discovery,” (The Believer’s Magazine, 1939) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bm/criticism_bruce.pdf

“The Philistines” (The Harvester, 1939)

“The Date of the Epistle to the Galatians, (Expository Times, 1939-1940)

“The End of the First Gospel,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1940)

“The Proper Names in Ezekiel 38”  (The Harvester, 1940)

“Armageddon through the Ages”  (The Harvester, 1941)

‘Babylon and Rome,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1941)

“More about Ezekiel 38”  (The Harvester, 1941)

“The Kingdom of God,” (Supplement to the I.V.F. Graduates’ Fellowship Newsletter, January, 1942)

“Some Aspects of Gospel Introduction,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1942)

“The Kingdom of God: A Biblical Survey,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1943)

“The Ministry of Women,” (Supplement to the I.V.F. Graduates’ Fellowship Newsletter, April, 1943)

“Aramaic in the Early Church,” “Jesus in the Gospels,” “The Church in the New
Testament,” (Theological Notes, January, 1944)

“Christology,” “Eschatology and Apocalyptic,” “True and False Criticism,” “Olmstead on Ramsay and Meyer,” “Aramaic Origins,” (Theological Notes, October, 1944)

“The Judgment Seat of Christ,” (The Believer’s Magazine, 1944)

“The Second Isaiah,” (Theological Notes, May, 1944)

“Some Notes on the Fourth Evangelist,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1944)

“Did Jesus Speak Aramaic?” (Expository Times, 1944-45)

“The End of the Second Gospel,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1945)

“Fellowship,” (The Witness, 1945)

“The Gospels and the Apostolic Preaching,” (Bible Expositor (New Zealand), 1945 – 1947) – This is a series of seven articles.

“The Books and the Parchments,” (Believer’s Pathway, 1946)

“Marius Victorinus and His Works,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1946); reprinted in  A Mind for What Matters (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1990)

“The Second Coming of Christ,” (Supplement to the I.V.F. Graduates’ Fellowship News-Letter, January, 1946)

“Solving a Great Problem: A Study of Acts 15,” (The Witness, 1946)

“Was Paul Inconsistent?” (The Christian, April, 1946)

“The Background of the Bible Story,” (Sunday School Magazine, 1947)

“The Deity of Christ,” (Precious Seed, 1947-8) – available at https://www.preciousseed.org/articles/the-fundamentals-the-deity-of-christ/

“Did Moses Write Genesis? (Sunday School Magazine, 1947)

“John Nelson Darby,” (The Harvester, 1947)

“Trustworthy Documents,” (Precious Seed, 1947-8)

“The Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical Research,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1947); reprinted in T.A. Noble, Tyndale House and Fellowship: The First Sixty Years (Leicester: IVP, 2006)

“Who Wrote Genesis?” (Sunday School Magazine, 1947)

“Biblical Criticism,” (Christian Graduate, June, 1948)

“Bishop Barnes and the ‘Rise of Christianity,’” (Science and Religion, April-June, 1948)

“The Crooked Serpent,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1948)

“Moses and the Pentateuch,” (Precious Seed, 1947-1948) – available at https://www.preciousseed.org/articles/moses-and-the-pentateuch-part-1/
and https://www.preciousseed.org/articles/moses-and-the-pentateuch-part-2/ (two parts)

“Studies in Old Testament Introduction” (a series) (Christian Graduate, March, June, September, December 1948, 1949, 1950)

“The Background of the New Testament” (a series), (Senior Teacher’s Magazine, January – December, 1949)

“The Judgment Seat of Christ,” (Bible Expositor, 1949)

“The Living Christ,” (The Witness, 1949)

“The Period between the Testaments,” (Bible Student (Bangalore), 1949) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bs/period-1_bruce.pdf and
http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bs/period-2_bruce.pdf (two parts)

“Daniel’s First Verse,” (Bible Student, 1950) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bs/daniel_bruce.pdf

“Daniel’s First Verse,” (Christian Graduate, 1950); reprinted as “The Chronology of Daniel 1:1” in T.A. Tatford, The Climax of the Ages: Studies in the Prophecy of Daniel . . . With an Appendix by . . . F.F. Bruce (Marshall Morgan and Scott, 1953)

“The Dead Sea Scrolls,” (The Witness, 1950)

“Emeritus Professor Walter Manoel Edwards,” (University of Leeds Review, December, 1950)

“More Light on Daniel’s First Verse,” (Bible League Quarterly, October-December, 1950)

“The Recent Finds in Palestine,” (Bible Student, 1950) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bs/palestine_bruce.pdf

“Recent Literature on the Book of Daniel,” (Bible Expositor, 1950)

“The Life of Faith Bible School: Ecclesiastical Writings” (a series), (Life of Faith, April – July, 1951)

“Recent Studies in Old Testament Introduction,” (Bible Expositor, 1951-2)

“Sir William Mitchell Ramsay: A Centenary Tribute,” (The Christian, 1951)

“The Wellhausen Theory,” (Senior Teacher’s Magazine, 1951)

“The Wisdom Literature of the Bible,” (Bible Student (Bangalore), 1951) – there are seven articles: Introduction, Proverbs (3 articles), Job (2 Articles), Ecclesiastes.

“Interpreting the Bible,” (a series) (Senior Teacher’s Magazine, February – December, 1952)

“Justification by Faith in the Non-Pauline Writings of the New Testament,” (Evangelical Quarterly, 1952)

“The Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible,” (The Christian, October, 1952)

“The Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible,” (Life of Faith, October, 1952)

“Some Principles of Biblical Interpretation,” (Senior Teacher’s Magazine, 1952)

“The Apostolic Witness,” (The Witness, 1953)

“The Bible Today,” (Bible League Quarterly, January – March, 1953)

“An Expository Study of St. John’s Gospel” (a series), (Bible Student, 1953-1959)

“From Constantine to Luther: A Bird’s-Eye View of a Period Little Known to Many,”
(The Christian, August, 1953)

“New Bible Translations: A Short Survey,” (Inter-Varsity, Autumn, 1953) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ivp/translations_bruce.pdf

“The Revised Standard Version,” (Knowing the Scriptures, March – April, 1953)

“Textual Criticism,” (Christian Graduate, 1953) – available at

“The Bible as the Word of Authority for Today,” (Life of Faith, May, 1954)

“A British Scholar Looks at the RSV Old Testament,” (Eternity, May, 1954) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eternity/rsv-ot_bruce.pdf

“The Canon of Scripture,” (Inter-Varsity, 1954) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ivp/canon_bruce.pdf

“Isaiah’s Virgin Oracle,” (Reformed Journal, 1954)

“Religious Education: Bible Teaching in the Faculty of Arts,” (Expository Times, 1953-4)

“Seventy Sevens,” (The Christian, 1954)

“The Bible and Evangelism: The Prime Purpose of Revelation,” “The Bible and Evangelism: Lessons in Witness-Bearing,” and “The Bible and Evangelism: Faith and Repentance, (Methodist Recorder, March, April, 1955) – available at

“The Canon of Scripture,”  (The Harvester, 1955)

“The Christian Faith and Genesis 1-3,” (Senior Teacher’s Magazine, 1955)

“Exposition of the Epistle of Jude” (a series of articles), (Knowing the Scriptures, 1955)

“Important Words of the Bible” (a series of articles),  (Senior Teacher’s Magazine, 1955)

“The Planting of Churches,” (The Witness, 1955)

“Qumran and Early Christianity,” (New Testament Studies, 1955-56)

“J.B. Watson: His Writings,” (The Witness, 1955)

“As Originally Given,” (Terminal Letter of the Theological Student’s Fellowship, 1956); reprinted in A Symposium from Past Terminal Letters (Theological Students’ Fellowship – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/tsf-bulletin/14_given_bruce.pdf

“The Bible: Book of the Month: The Acts of the Apostles,” (Christianity Today, December 10, 1956)

“Children of God and Sons of God,” (The Disciple, 1956-57)

“The Greek Language and the Christian Ministry,” (Clifton Theological College Magazine, 1956) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ffb/greek_bruce.pdf

“Prophetic Interpretation in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” (Morning Star, July, 1956)

“A Second Look at the Dead Sea Scrolls: Messianic Expectations at Qumran,” (Eternity, October, 1956) – available at http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eternity/scrolls_bruce.pdf

“Some Implications of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” (Christian Graduate, 1956) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ivp/implications-dss_bruce.pdf

“The Apocrypha, Revised and Introduced,” (Eternity, November, 1957) – available at http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eternity/apocrypha_bruce.pdf

“Biblical Jerusalem,” (University of Leeds Review, 1956-57) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eq/jerusalem_bruce.pdf

“Christian Beginnings in Secular History” (a series), (Essential Christianity, June, 1957 – February, 1959)

“Chronicle: Recent Literature on Qumran,” (Terminal Letter of the Theological Student’s Fellowship, Summer, 1957) – available at http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/tsf-bulletin/18_chronicle_bruce.pdf

“Minister of the Word of God [Harold St John],” (The Witness, 1957)

“Modern Scribes on the Judean Scrolls,” (Christianity Today, March 4, 1957)

“My Word – Shall Accomplish,” (With Tongue and Pen, January – March, 1957)

“The Dead Sea Habakkuk Scroll,” (Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society, 1958-59) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ffb/habakkuk_bruce.pdf

“Eschatology,” (London Quarterly and Holborn Review, 1958) – available at http://theologicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eschatology_bruce.pdf

“The Fourth Gospel in Recent Interpretation,” (Terminal Letter of the Theological Student’s Fellowship, Spring, 1958) – available at http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/4th-gospel_bruce.pdf; reprinted in A Symposium from Past Terminal Letters.

“George Henry Lang: Author and Teacher, 1874-1958,” (The Witness, 1958)

“Two Emperors,” (Essential Christianity, December, 1958)

“Archaeological Confirmation of the New Testament” (a series), (Essential Christianity, April – December, 1959)

“Bible Book of the Month: Jude,” (Christianity Today, May 25, 1959)

“Eric Sauer,” (The Witness, 1959)

“The True Apostolic Succession: Recent Study of the Book of Acts,” (Interpretation, 1959)

“Biblical Criticism” (a series), (Essential Christianity, February, 1960 – December, 1963); also published as Understanding Biblical Criticism: What It Is; What It Does; Why It Matters in Ebook format (Kingsley Books, 2018)

“Criticism and Faith,” (Christianity Today, November 21, 1960)

“The Dead Sea Scrolls,” (Modern Churchman, 1960-61)

“Recent New Testament Studies,” (Christianity Today, February 15, 1960)

“The Scottish Reformation, 1560-1960,” (The Witness, 1960)

“The Son of Man Came,” (The Harvester, 1960)

“The Authorized Version and Others,” (International Review of Missions, 1961)

“The Book of Zechariah and the Passion Narrative,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1960 – 61) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/zechariah_bruce.pdf

“The New English Bible,” (Christian Graduate, 1961)

“The New English Bible,” (Christianity Today, March 13, 1961)

“The New English Bible,” (Essential Christianity, April 1, 1961)

“New Testament Studies in 1960,” (Christianity Today, February 13, 1961)

“The Person of Christ: Incarnation and Virgin Birth,” (Christianity Today, October 13, 1961)

“Our Lord’s Incarnation and Virgin Birth,” (Precious Seed, 1961) – available at https://www.preciousseed.org/articles/our-lords-incarnation-and-virgin-birth/

“The Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” (Times Literary Supplement, March, 1961)

“The Transfiguration,” (Inter-Varsity, Summer, 1961) – available at http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ivp/transfiguration_bruce.pdf

“This Bible Year,” (The Believer’s Magazine, 1961)

“Who Are the Brethren?” (The Witness, 1961); reprinted in booklet form (London: Pickering & Inglis, 1962); Witness Booklet No. 1 (Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, 1962; reprinted in E.A. Tatford, That the World May Know, vol. 1: The Restless Middle East Lands: Lands of the Great Religions (Bath: Echoes of Service, 1982; updated edition, Harvester/Aware (June ,1990)

“Christianity Under Claudius,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1961-62) – available at

“Diversity of Gifts,” (Student World, 1962)

“The Identity of Jesus,” (Essential Christianity, August, 1962)

“New Testament Studies in 1961,” (Christianity Today, February 2, 1962)

“Bible: Will Joint Bible Study Bring Fellowship?” (Eternity, January, 1963)

“Recent Studies in the Epistle to the Romans,” (TSF Bulletin, Spring, 1963)

“Survey of New Testament Literature,” (Christianity Today, February 1, 1963)

“’To the Hebrews’ or ‘To the Essenes’?” (New Testament Studies, 1962 – 63)

“When Is a Gospel Not a Gospel?” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1962-63)

“The Baptism of the Spirit,” (Calling, Fall, 1964; reprinted in The Witness, 1965)

“The Deity of Christ” (with W.J. Martin), (Christianity Today, December 18, 1964; reprinted from booklet available here: http://theologicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ffb/deity_bruce.pdf; Ebook (Kingsley Books, 2017)

“The Easter Event,” (Christianity Today, March 27, 1964)

“New Testament Studies: 1963,” (Christianity Today, February 14, 1964)

“The Perils of Exclusivism: 2. The Church in Jerusalem,” (Journal of the Christian Brethren Research Fellowship, April,1964)

“Romans,” “Psalms 144-150,” “Ephesians,” “Psalm 119-81-176,” “Malachi,” “Revelation 4-22,” “Luke 1-2” (Daily Notes, October – December, 1964)

“St. Paul in Rome,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1963-64) – available at

“Who is This Jesus?” (a series of articles) (Essential Christianity, February, 1964 – April, 1965)

“The Dead Sea Scrolls in London,” (Church of England Newspaper, December 10, 1965)

“1 Corinthians,” “Exodus,” “Genesis 37-50,” (Daily Notes, July – September, 1965).

“Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea,” (Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society, 1963-65) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ffb/herod_bruce.pdf

“New Testament Studies in 1964,” (Christianity Today, February 12, 1965)

“St. Paul in Rome: 2. The Epistle to Philemon,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1965-66) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/rome-2_bruce.pdf

“Tribute to the Rev. Professor A. Guillaume,” (Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society, 1963-65)

“Why I Have Stayed with the Brethren,” (Journal of the Christian Brethren Research Fellowship, December, 1965)

“Holy Spirit in the Qumran Texts,” (Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society, 1966-68) – available at https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ffb/holy-spirit-qumran.pdf

“The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith: 4. Jesus and Paul,” (TSF Bulletin, Autumn, 1966)

“Myth and the New Testament,” (TSF Bulletin, Spring, 1966)   An expanded version of this was published as “Myth and History,” in History, Criticism & Faith: Four Exploratory Studies (Leicester / Downers Gove, IVP, 1976)

“New Testament Studies in 1965,” (Christianity Today, February 4, 1966)

“St. Paul in Rome: 3. The Epistle to the Colossians,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1965-66) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/rome-3_bruce.pdf

“The Broken Wall” and “Principalities and Powers,” (Wellington Assembly Research Fellowship, April, 1967)

“Faith and Life,” (Calling, Spring, 1967)

“Jesus Christ the Same,” (Calling, Summer, 1967)

“Literature and Theology to Gregory the Great,” (Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 1967)

“Noteworthy Advances in the New Testament Field,” (Christianity Today, February 3, 1967)

“St. Paul in Rome:: 4. The Epistle to the Ephesians,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1966-67) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/rome-4_bruce.pdf

“The Society for Old Testament Study, 1917-1967,” (Expository Times, 1966-67)

“The Sources of the Synoptic Gospels,” “John’s Gospel,” “The First Epistle of John,” “The General Epistles,” (Wellington Assembly Research Fellowship, July, 1967)

“Understanding the Bible” (a series of articles),  (The Harvester, June, 1967 – January, 1969)

“Alan Rowe,” (Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 1968)

“Paul and Jerusalem,” (Tyndale Bulletin, 1968)

“St. Paul in Rome: 5. Concluding Observations, (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1967-68) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/rome-5_bruce.pdf

“Samuel Henry Hooke,” (Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 1968)

“Samuel Henry Hooke,” (The Witness, 1968)

“Galatian Problems: 1 Autobiographical Data, (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1967-68) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/problems-1_bruce.pdf

“Harold Henry Rowley,” (Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 1969)

“The Kerygma of Hebrews,” (Interpretation, 1969)

“The Qumran Discoveries and the Bible,” (Ekklesiastikos Pharos 51, 1952-69)

“Recent Contributions to the Understanding of Hebrews,” (Expository Times, 1969)

“Thoughts from My Study,” (Calling, Summer, 1969)

“Thoughts from My Study: Creeds or No Creeds?” (Calling, Winter, 1969)

“Thoughts from My Study: Tradition Good and Bad,” (Calling, Fall, 1969)

“Dead Sea Scrolls,” (Man, Myth and Magic, June, 1970)

“Galatian Problems: 2. North or South Galatians?” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1969-70) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/problems-2_bruce.pdf

“The New English Bible,” (Christianity Today, January 30, 1970)

“Thoughts from My Study,” (Calling, Spring, 1970)

“Thoughts from My Study,” (Calling, Summer, 1970)

“Thoughts from My Study: Apostolic Tradition,” (Calling, 1970)

“Thoughts from My Study: Freedom,” (Calling, Winter,1970)

(untitled article), (The Bible and the World, Autumn, 1970)

“Galatian Problems: 3. The ‘Other’ Gospel,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1970-71) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/problems-3_bruce.pdf

“Paul on Immortality,” (Scottish Journal of Theology, 1971)

“Some Thoughts on Paul and Paulinism,” (Vox Evangelica, 1971)

“Thoughts from My Study,” (Calling, Spring, 1971)

“Thoughts from My Study,” (Calling, Summer, 1971)

“Biblical Authority,” (Reformed Journal, April, 1972)

“The Earliest Old Testament Interpretation,” (Oudtestamentische Studiën, 1972)

“Galatian Problems: 4. The Date of the Epistle,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1971-72) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/problems-4_bruce.pdf

“On Dating the New Testament,” (Eternity, June, 1972)

“Are the Gospels Anti-Semitic?” (Eternity, November, 1973)

“Dr. G.R. Beasley-Murray,” (Spurgeon’s College Record, December, 1973)

“Evangelism in the New Testament,” (Thrust, July, 1973)

“Galatian Problems: 5. Galatians and Christian Origins,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1972-73) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/problems-5_bruce.pdf and https://www.escholar.manchester.ac.uk/api/datastream?publicationPid=uk-ac-man-scw:1m2760&datastreamId=POST-PEER-REVIEW-PUBLISHERS-DOCUMENT.PDF

“The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles,” (Interpretation, 1973)

“New Wine in Old Wineskins: III. The Corner Stone,” (Expository Times, 1972-73)

“Armageddon: Past and Future,” (Prophetic Witness, 1974)

“Israel’s Future Invaders,” (Prophetic Witness, 1974)

“Paul and the Historical Jesus,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1973-74) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/historical_bruce.pdf

(with others) “Which Bible is Best for You?” (Eternity, April, 1974)

“Apollos in the New Testament,” (Ekklesiastikos Pharos (1975)

“Lessons I Have Learned,”  (The Harvester, 1975)

“Paul and the Athenians,” (Expository Times, 1976-77)

“Paul and the Law of Moses,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1974-75) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/moses_bruce.pdf

“A Reappraisal of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature,” (Review and Expositor, 1975)

“Samuel Prideaux Tregelles,”  (The Harvester, 1975)

“Was Paul a Mystic?” (Reformed Theological Review, 1975)

“Is the Paul of Acts the Real Paul,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1975-76) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/real-paul-bruce.pdf

“The Lausanne Covenant – 2: The Authority and Power of the Bible,”  (The Harvester, 1976)

“Some Thoughts on Biblical Inspiration,” (Looking, 1976)

“The Early Church’s Experiment in Communism,” (Shaft, December, 1977)

“My Father: Peter Fyvie Bruce (1874-1955)” (The Believer’s Magazine, 1977)

“The Oldest Greek Version of Daniel,” (Oudtestamentiche Studiën, 1977)

“Are the New Testament Documents Still Reliable?” (Christianity Today, October 20, 1978)

“Bishop Westcott and the Classical Tradition,” (Spectrum, September, 1978)

“Christian Destiny – 2. Christ Our Hope,”  (The Harvester, 1978) – available at http://theologicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/destiny_2-2.pdf

“Evangelical Theology Today, (Life of Faith, February, 1978)

“The Full Name of the Procurator Felix,” (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, October, 1978)

“St. John at Ephesus,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1977-78) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/ephesus_bruce.pdf

“Accountability in University Life,” (Spectrum, September, 1979)

“Arthur Samuel Peake: Biblical Scholar,” (Methodist Recorder, August 16, 1979)

“Prophetic Interpretation in the Septuagint,” (Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 1979); reprinted in This Place is Too Small for Us: The Israelite Prophets in Recent Scholarship (ed. Robert P. Gordon; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995)

“St. Paul in Macedonia, (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1975-76) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/macedonia_bruce.pdf

“Charting New Directions for New Testament Studies,” (Christianity Today, October 10, 1980)

“St. Paul in Macedonia: 2. The Thessalonian Correspondence,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1979-80) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/macedonia_bruce.pdf

“Anthony Tyrrell Hanson: A Tribute,” (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, October, 1981)

“Battle for the Bible: Biblical Criticism and Authority,” (Journal of the Christian Brethren Research Fellowship, April, 1981)

“Commentaries on Acts,” (Epworth Review, September, 1981)

“St. Paul in Macedonia: 3. The Philippian Correspondence,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1980-81) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/philippian_bruce.pdf

“The Acts of the Apostles To-day,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1982) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/acts_bruce.pdf

“What Does It Mean?” (Christian Brethren Review, 1982)

“Women in the Church: A Biblical Survey” (Christian Brethren Review, 1982)

“Henry Leopold Ellison (1903-1983),” (The Harvester, 1983)

“Robertson Smith and ‘The Prophets of Israel,’” (Expository Times, 1983-84)

“Some Thoughts on the Beginning of the New Testament Canon,” (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Spring, 1983) – available at http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/bjrl/nt-canon_bruce.pdf

“Two Centuries of New Testament Criticism,” (Christian Librarian, 1983)

“Colossian Problems. Part 1: Jews and Christians in the Lycus Valley,” (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1984)

“Colossian Problems. Part 2: The ‘Christ Hymn’ of Colossians 1:15-20,” (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1984)

“Colossian Problems. Part 3: The Colossian Heresy,” (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1984)

“Colossian Problems. Part 4: Christ as Conqueror and Reconciler,” (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1984)

“The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith” (a series of articles), (The Harvester, 1984)

“John Wycliffe and the English Bible,” (Churchman, 1984)

“Tacitus on Jewish History,” (Journal of Semitic Studies, Spring, 1984)

“Arnold Pickering (1908-1984),” (The Harvester, 1985)

“The Church of Jerusalem in the Acts of the Apostles,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1984-85 — available at https://www.escholar.manchester.ac.uk/api/datastream?publicationPid=uk-ac-man-scw:1m1650&datastreamId=POST-PEER-REVIEW-PUBLISHERS-DOCUMENT.PDF

“The Letter of Jude” (a series of articles), (The Harvester, 1985)

“The Structure and Argument of Hebrews,” (Southwestern Journal of Theology, Fall, 1985)

“Homecall: Frederick Albert Tatford (1901-1986), (The Harvester, 1986)

“Studies in the Pastoral Epistles” (a series of articles), (The Harvester, 1986)

“My View: Faith vs Scientific Study of the Bible,” (Bible Review, Summer, 1987)

“Problem Texts” (a series of articles), (The Harvester, 1987)

“The Theology of Acts,” (TSF Bulletin, May – June 1987)

“The Enigma of Paul: Why Did the Early Church’s Great Liberator Get a Reputation as an Authoritarian?” (Bible Review, August, 1988)

“Fresh and Unpretentious,” (Reformed Journal, December, 1988)

“Commentaries on Acts,” (Bible Translator, July, 1989)

“Eschatology: Understanding the End of Days,” (Bible Review, December, 1989)

“J.B. Lightfoot (died 1889), Commentator and Theologian,” (Evangel, Summer, 1989)

“The Open Bible in England,” (Churchman, 1989)

“Philip and the Ethiopian,” (Journal of Semitic Studies, 1989)

“Practice or Principle,” (The Harvester, January, February, 1989)

“Letter to a Brother,” (The Harvester, 1990)

“Luke’s Presentation of the Spirit in Acts,” (Criswell Theological Review, 1990)

“One in Christ Jesus: Thoughts on Galatians 3:26-29,” (Christian Brethren Research Fellowship Journal, August, 1990), possibly reprinted in Stimulus in 1995

“The Significance of the Speeches for Interpreting Acts,” (Southwestern Journal of Theology, 1990)


“Samuel Henry Hooke,”         (1968)
“The Origins of The Witness” (1970)
“Regent College, Vancouver” (1970)
“St. John’s Passion Narrative” (a series)                    (1971-72)
“Charles Harold Dodd (1884-1973)”                         (1973)
“Godfrey Rolles Driver (1892-1975)”                       (1975)
“The Gospel of John,”            (1977-80), continued in The Harvester, 1981-2
“Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976)                                 (1977)
“Cecil Howley: A Tribute of Friendship”                  (1978)
“William Barclay (1907-78)”                                     (1978)


From Tyndale Bulletin

“Ahasuerus,” (October, 1945)
“Archaeology and Literary Criticism,” (October, 1945)
“Dispensationalism,” (July, 1945)
“Mythology,” (July 1945)
“Review of Some Biblical Studies in 1944,” (January, 1945)
“Futurist Eschatology,” (January, 1946)
“Notes on the Aramaic Background of the Gospel Text,” (January, April, July, 1946;
January, July, 1947; January, 1948
“A One-Volume Bible Dictionary,” (July, 1946)
“Methods of Literary Criticism,” (April, 1947)

From Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute (1943 – 1955), continued as Faith and Thought (1958 . . .)

“The Sources of the Gospels,” (1943)
“And the Earth was without form and void” – An Enquiry into the Exact Meaning of
Genesis 1, 2,” (1946)
“What Do We Mean by Biblical Inspiration?” (1946)
“The Origin of the Alphabet,” (1948)
“Recent Discoveries in Biblical Manuscripts,” (1950)
“Sir Frederick George Kenyon,” (1952)
“Annual Address: The Victoria Institute and the Bible,” (1954)
“Trends in New Testament Interpretation,” (1955)
“Qumran and the New Testament,” (1958)
“The Gospel of Thomas: Presidential Address, 14 May 1960,” (1961-62)
“The New English Bible,” (1961) – available at http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ft/new-english-bible_bruce.pdf
“The Gospels and Some Recent Discoveries,” (1962)
“History and the Gospel,” (1964), reprinted in Jesus of Nazareth: Savior and Lord, (Eerdmans /
Tyndale Press, 1966)
“John the Forerunner,” (1965)
“Edward Joseph Young: Obituary,” (1968)
“The Literary Background of the New Testament,” (1968)
“New Light on the Origin of the New Testament (1974)


Scripture Union

“2 Kings 2-14,” SU Bible Study Notes (1949)
“2 Kings 14-20,” SU Bible Study Notes (1949)
“2 Chronicles 1-9,” SU Bible Study Notes (1950)
“2 Chronicles 10-36.” SU Bible Study Notes (1950)
“2 Kings 21-23,” SU Bible Study Notes (1950)
“2 Kings 23-25,” SU Bible Study Notes (1950)
“Ezekiel 1-8,” SU Bible Study Notes (1951)
“Ezekiel 9-48,” SU Bible Study Notes (1951)
“Exodus 1-32,” SU Bible Study Notes (1952)
“Exodus 33-40,” SU Bible Study Notes (1952)
“Acts 1-20,” SU Bible Study Notes (1953)
“Acts 21-28,” SU Bible Study Notes (1953)
“Revelation,” SU Bible Study Notes (1954)
“Esther,” SU Bible Study Notes (1956)
“James,” SU Bible Study Notes (1956)
“Mark 1-12,” SU Bible Study Notes (1957)
“Mark 13-16,” SU Bible Study Notes (1957)
“St. Matthew,” SU Bible Study Books (1970) – also Eerdmans 1971 repr. A.J. Holman, 1978
became part of The Daily Bible Commentary
The Kingdom and the Church” (in Bible Characters and Doctrines, Scripture Union / Eerdmans,
“The Main Ideas of the New Testament,” (in Introduction to the Bible, 1978)

Contributions to other Books

“The Four Gospels and Acts,” (New Bible Handbook, London: IVF, 1947)
“The Geography of Palestine” (appendix 1) (New Bible Handbook, 2nd ed, London: IVF,
“Church History and Its Lessons” and “Appendix, Note 12. The Council of Jerusalem”
(The Church: A Symposium, London: Pickering & Inglis, 1949)
“W.E. Vine: The Theologian” (in Percy O. Ruoff, W.E. Vine: His Life and Ministry,
Oliphants, 1951)
“The Scriptures” (The Faith: A Symposium, London: Pickering & Inglis, 1952)
“The Poetry of the Old Testament,” “The Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament [with
F. Davidson], “The Fourfold Gospel,” “Judges,” “The Acts of the Apostles, “I and
II Thessalonians” (in The New Bible Commentary, IVF and Eerdmans, 1953)
“The Local Church in the New Testament” (in The New Testament Church in the Present
            Day, no publisher given, 1954)
“Census” and “Peter the Apostle” (in Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Religious
            Knowledge, Baker, 1955)
“The Church and Its Ministers,” (in A New Testament Church in 1955: High Leigh
            Conference of Brethren, 1955)
“Archaeological Confirmation of the New Testament,” (in Revelation and the Bible, Baker /
Tyndale Press, 1959)
“Biblical Archaeology,” (in The Bible Companion, Skeffington, 1959)
“Dead Sea Scrolls,” “Eschatology,” “Form Criticism,” “Fulness,” “Interpretation (Biblical),”
“Will-worship,” (in Baker’s Dictionary of Theology, Baker / Pickering & Inglis, 1960)
“The Gospels,” (in The Biblical Expositor, A.J. Holman, 1960)
about 74 articles (in The New Bible Dictionary, IFV, 1962, 1980)
14 articles (in The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Abingdon, 1962)
12 articles (in Biblisch-Historisches Handwörterbuch, 1962-1979)
“The Biblical Concept, Particularly in the Ministry of the Lord” and “The Consummation,” (in
The Rule of God in the Life of Man: Addresses Given at a Conference of Brethren at
            Swanwick, G.W. Robson, 1962)
“The Epistles of Paul” and “Hebrews,” (in Peake’s Commentary on the Bible, Thomas Nelson,
“New Light from the Dead Sea Scrolls,” (in Holman Study Bible, 1962)
“Promise and Fulfilment in Paul’s Presentation of Jesus,” (in Promise and Fulfilment: Essays
            Presented to Professor S.H. Hooke in Celebration of His Ninetieth Birthday . . . by
            Members of the Society for Old Testament Study and Others, T&T Clark, 1963)
15 articles (in Dictionary of the Bible, T&T Clark, 1963)
13 articles (in Encyclopedia International, Grolier, 1963)
“The History and Doctrine of the Apostolic Age,” (in A Companion to the Bible, T&T Clark,
“The New Testament,” (in The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, Zondervan / Marshall,
Morgan & Scott, 1963)
“’Our God and Saviour’: A Recurring Biblical Pattern,” (in The Saviour God: Essays Presented
            to Professor E.O. James (Manchester University Press, 1963)
“The Pattern of the Poetry,” (in Singers of Israel, Lutterworth / Abingdon, 1963)
“Acts,” “Colossians,” and “Jude,” (in Exploring the N.T. Backgrounds, Christianity Today, 1964)
“The Last Thirty Years,” (in The Story of the Bible: A Popular Account of How It Came to Us,
Eerdmans, 2nd ed., 1964)
“One Faith,” (in Christian Unity: Papers Given at a Conference of Brethren at Swanwick,
            Derbyshire, in June, 1964, Evangelical Christian Literature, 1964)
“Johannine Studies Since Westcott’s Day,” (introduction in The Epistles of St. John: The Greek
            Text with Notes, by the Late Brooke Foss Westcott (Marcham Manor Press, 1966)
“Charles Harod Dodd” (in Creative Minds in Modern Theology, Eerdmans, 1966)
“The Story of the Bible,” (in The Bible (RSV), Lutterworth, 1966)
“Introduction” (in William Tyndale’s Five Books of Moses called the Pentateuch, Being a
            Verbatim Reprint of the Edition of M.CCCCC.XXX., Centaur Press, 1967)
“Plymouth Brethren,” (in Chambers’s Encyclopedia, 1967)
“Plymouth Brethren,” (in Encyclopaedia Britanica, 1967)
“Tell el-Amarna,” (in Archaeology and Old Testament Study, Oxford, 1967)
“Scripture and Tradition in the New Testament” (in Holy Book and Holy Tradition: International
            Colloquium Held in the Faculty of Theology, University of Manchester, Manchester
University Press / Eerdmans, 1968
“Jesus is Lord,” (in Soli Deo Gloria: New Testament Essays in Honor of William Childs
            Robinson, John Knox, 1968)
“The Fourfold Gospel,” “The General Letters,” “Revelation,” (in A New Testament Commentary:
            Based on the Revised Standard Version, Pickering & Inglis, 1969)
“The Book of Daniel and the Qumran Community,” (in Neotestamentica et Semitica: Essays in
            Honour of Matthew Black, T&T Clark, 1969)
“Jesus and the Gospels in the Light of the Scrolls,” (in The Scrolls and Christianity, SPCK, 1969)
“The Ministry of Christ” and “The Archaeology of the New Testament” (with E.M. Blaiklock) (in
Zondervan Pictorial Bible Atlas, Zondervan, 1969)
“Between the Testaments” (in New Bible Commentary: Revised, IVP / Eerdmans, 1970)
“Exiles in an Alien World,” (in The Catholic Layman’s Library, Understanding the Bible: The
 New Testament, Good Will Publishers, 1970)
“Qumran,” (in A Dictionary of Comparative Religion, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1970)
“Texts and Translations,” (in Encounters with Books, IVP, 1970)
19 articles (in Encyclopedia Judaica, Encyclopedia Judaica / Macmillan, 1971)
“Inter-Testamental Literature,” (in Preface to Christian Studies, Lutterworth, 1971) – 22 pages
“New Light from the Dead Sea Scrolls” (revised from 1962) and “The Early Manuscripts of the
Bible,” (in Holman’s Family Reference Bible, 1971)
“Corinthians, Second Epistle to the,” (in The Encyclopedia of Christianity, National Foundation
for Christian Education, 1972)
“Plymouth Brethren Worship,” “Baptism 13: Plymouth Brethren,” “Liturgies 13: Plymouth
Brethren,” (in A Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship, SCM, 1972)
“Bible, The,” (in Webster’s New World Companion to English and American Literature, Compton
Russell / World Publishing, 1973)
“Eschatology in the Apostolic Fathers,” (in The Heritage of the Early Church: Essays in Honor of
            Georges Vasilievich Florovsky on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, Pontificial
Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1973)
“Jesus, Ethical Teachings,” (in Baker Dictionary of Christian Ethics, Baker, 1973)
“Salvation History in the New Testament,” (in Man and His Salvation: Studies in Memory of
            S.G.F. Brandon, Manchester University Press, 1973)
“The Spirit in the Apocalypse,” (in Christ and the Spirit in the New Testament: In Honour of
            Charles Francis Digby Moule, Cambridge University Press, 1973)
7 articles (in The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church, Paternoster / Zondervan,
1974), 2nd edition 1978)
“Exegesis and Hermeneutics, Biblical,” (in Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica,
“New Light on the Origins of the New Testament Canon,” (in New Dimensions in New Testament
            Study, Zondervan, 1974)
“The Speeches in Acts: Thirty Years After,” (in Reconciliation and Hope: New Testament Essays
            on Atonement and Eschatology Presented to L. L. Morris on his 60th Birthday, Paternoster /
Eerdmans, 1974)
“’Abraham had Two Sons’: A Study in Pauline Hermeneutics,” (in New Testament Studies: Essays
            in Honor of Ray Summers in His Sixty-Fifth Year, Markham, 1975)
“Aquila,” “Barjesus,” “Barnabas,” “Elymas,” “John the Baptist,” “Priscilla,” and “Stephen,” (in
Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, Moody, 1975)
“Corinthians, First Epistle to the,” “Form Criticism,” “Hebrews, Epistle to the,” “Parable,”
“Romans, Epistle to the,” (in Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, 1975)
“Further Thoughts on Paul’s Autobiography: Galatians 1:11-2:14,” (in Jesus und Paulus:
            Festschrift für Werner Georg Kümmel zum 70 Geburtstag, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
“The Grace of God and the Law of Christ: A Study in Pauline Ethics,” (in God and the Good:
            Essays in Honor of Henry Stob, Eerdmans, 1975)
“Introduction,” (in Current Issues in Biblical and Patristic Interpretation: Studies in Honor of
            Merrill C. Tenney, Presented by His Former Students, Eerdmans, 1975)
Introduction, (in The New Testament, 1526, David Paradine Developments for Bristol Baptist
College, 1976)
“Altar, NT,” “Election, NT,” and “Hebrews, Letter to the,” (in The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the
 Bible: Supplementary Volume, Abingdon, 1976)
“Image,” “Myth,” “Name,” and “Noah, (in The New International Dictionary of New Testament
            Theology, Paternoster / Zondervan, 1976)
“The History of New Testament Study,” (in New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles
            and Methods, Paternoster / Eerdmans, 1977)
“Titles and Descriptive Titles of God in the Old Testament,” Titles and Descriptive Titles of God
in the New Testament,” and “Our Lord’s Incarnation and Virgin Birth,” (in Treasury of
            Bible Doctrine, Precious Seed, 1977)
“All Things to All Men: Diversity in Unity and Other Pauline Tensions,” (in Unity and Diversity in
            New Testament Theology: Essays in Honor of George E. Ladd, Eerdmans, 1978)
“Are the New Testament Documents Still Reliable?” (in Evangelical Roots: A Tribute to Wilbur
            Smith, Thomas Nelson, 1978)
“The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts,” (in Biblical and Near Eastern Studies: Essays in Honor of
            William Sanford LaSor, Eerdmans, 1978)
“George Cecil Douglas Howley: An Appreciation” and “Lessons from the Early Church,” (in In
            God’s Community: Essays on the Church and Its Ministry, Pickering & Inglis, 1978 /
Harold Shaw, 1979)
“Response,” (in Jesus: God, Ghost or Guru? Zondervan, 1978)
“The Romans through Jewish Eyes,” (in Paganisme, Judaïsme, Christianisme, Influences et
            affrontements dans le monde antique: Mélanges offerts à Marcel Simon, Editions E. De
Boccard, 1978)
“Introduction,” (in Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old Testament Words (Oliphants, 1979)
“Acts of the Apostles,” “Age,” “Colossians, Epistle to the,” “Criticism,” “Hittites,” and Paul, the
Apostle,” (in International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, rev. ed., Eerdmans, 1978-88)
“The Gospel Text of Marius Victorinus,” (in Text and Interpretation: Studies in the New
            Testament Presented to Matthew Black, Cambridge University Press, 1979)
“The Old Testament and the Christian,” “Chronology of the Old Testament,” “Introduction to the
Poetical Books,” “Introduction to the Wisdom Literature,” and “Ezekiel,” (in A Bible
            Commentary, Pickering & Inglis, 1979). Published as The New Layman’s Bible
            Commentary in One Volume by Zondervan, 1979 and The Pickering Bible Commentary for
            Today by Marshall Pickering, 1984. A revised edition published as The International Bible
            Commentary with the New International Version by Marshall Pickering / Zondervan, 1986)
“The Theology and Interpretation of the Old Testament,” (in Tradition and Interpretation: Essays
            by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study, Clarendon, 1979)
“The Transmission and Translation of the Bible,” (in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary,
Zondervan, 1979)
“Introduction,” (in Four Psalms, Keats, 1980)
“Appeal to Caesar,” “Collection,” “Hellenists,” and “Myth, Mythology,” (in The Illustrated Bible
            Dictionary, IVP / Tyndale House, 1980)
“The Trial of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel,” (in Gospel Perspectives I: Studies of History and
            Tradition in the Four Gospels, JSOT Press, 1980)
“Forward,” and “Translating the Bible,” (in The Book of Bible Knowledge, Scripture Union /
Sadlier’s Bible Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to the World of the Bible in Full
            Color, William H. Sadlier (Thomas Nelson may have been involved), 1982 or 1985
“The Background to the Son of Man Sayings,” (in Christ the Lord: Studies in Christology
            Presented to Donald Guthrie, IVP, 1982)
“The Curse of the Law,” (in Paul and Paulinism: Essays in Honour of C.K. Barrett, SPCK, 1982)
“Amarna,” “Amarna Letters,” “Cenchrea,” “Galatia,” “Hierapolis” (with E.M. Blaiklock),
“Maccabees,” “Peter, Tomb of,” “Qumran,” “Solomon’s Porch,” “Zeno Papyri,” (in New
            International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology, Zondervan, 1983)
“The Bible and the Environment,” (in The Living and Active Word of God: Studies in Honor of
            Samuel J. Schultz, Eisenbrauns, 1983
“Biblical Exposition at Qumran,” (in Gospel Perspectives III: Studies in Midrash and
            Historiography, JSOT Press, 1983)
“’Called to Freedom’: A Study in Galatians,” (in New Testament Age: Essays in Honor of Bo
            Reicke, Mercer University Press, 1984)
“The Date and Character of Mark” and “Render to Caesar,” (in Jesus and the Politics of His Day,
            Cambridge University Press, 1984)
“The Reliability of the New Testament,” (in The Intellectuals Speak Out about God: A Handbook
            for the Christian Student in a Secular Society, Regnery Gatway, 1984)
“The Acts of the Apostles: Historical Record or Theological Reconstruction?” (in Aufstieg und
            Niedergang der Römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren
            Forschung, Tiel II: Principat Band 25.3, Walter de Gruyter, 1985) – 35 pages
“St. Luke’s Portrait of St. Paul,” (in Aksum – Thyrateira: A Festschrift for Archbishop Methodios
            of Thyrateira and Great Britain, Thyrateira House, 1985)
“The Social Identity of Early Christians,” (in Through Christ’s Word: A Festschrift for Dr Philip
            E. Hughes, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1985)
“The Spirit in the Letter to the Galatians,” (in Essays on Apostolic Themes: Studies in Honor of
            Howard M. Ervin Presented to Him by Colleagues and Friends on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday,
Hendrickson, 1985)
Contributor and editor, (in Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary / Hodder and Stoughton
            Illustrated Bible Dictionary, 1986
“The Apostolic Decree of Acts 15,” (in Studien zum Text und zur Ethik des Neuen Testaments:
            Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Heinrich Greeven, Walteer de Gruyter, 1986
“Baptism 13. Plymouth Brethren,” “Books, Liturgical 13. Plymouth Brethren,” “Burial 12.
Plymouth Brethren,” “ Liturgies 13. Plymouth Brethren,” “Marriage 12. Plymouth
Brethren,” and “Plymouth Brethren Worship,” (in A New Dictionary of Liturgy and
            Worship, SCM, 1986)
“The Conference in Jerusalem: Galatians 2:1-10,” (in God Who is Rich in Mercy: Essays
            Presented to Dr D B Knox, ANZEA, 1986)
“Biblical Studies at Sheffield: The Early Days,” (in The Bible in Three Dimensions: Essays in
            Celebration of Forty Years of Biblical Studies in the University of Sheffield, JSOT
            Supplement Series 87, Sheffield Academic Press, 1987)
“The First Church Historian,” (in Church, Word and Spirit: Historical and Theological Essays in
            Honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Eerdmans, 1987)
“Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Acts,” (in Tradition and Interpretation in the New Testament:
            Essays in Honor of E. Earl Ellis for His 60th Birthday, Eerdmans / J.C.B. Mohr, 1987)
“Stephen’s Apologia,” (in Scripture: Meaning and Method: Essays Presented to Anthony Tyrrell
            Hanson for His seventieth Birthday, Hull University Press, 1987)
“’To the Hebrews:’ A Document of Roman Christianity,” (in Aufstieg und Niedergang der
            Römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung, Tiel II:
Principat, Band 25.4, Walter de Gruyter, 1987)
“The Dead Sea Scrolls,” (in New Dictionary of Theology, Leicester: IVP)
“Eschatology in Acts,” (in Eschatology and the New Testament: Essays in Honor of George
            Raymond Beasley-Murray, Hendrickson, 1988)
“Paul and the Law in Recent Research,” (in Law and Religion: Essays on the Place of the Law in
            Israel and Early Christianity, by Members of the Ehrhardt Seminar of Manchester
            University, James Clarke, 1988)
“Scripture in Relation to Tradition and Reason,” (in Scripture, Tradition and Reason: Essays in
            Honour of Richard P.C. Hanson, T&T Clark, 1988)
Contributions, (in New 20th-Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, 2nd ed., Baker, 1991
“The Bible,” (in The Origins of the Bible, Tyndale House, 1992)
“Canon,” (in Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, IVP USA and UK, 1992)
Contributions, (in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Doubleday, 1992)
Contributions, (in A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition and English Literature, Eerdmans, 1992)
“Hebrew Poetry,” (reprinted in The Psalms, Ancient Poetry of the Spirit, Lion, 1997 / St. Martins
Press, 2000)
“Habakkuk,” (in The Minor Prophets, Baker, 1993)
“Manson, Thomas Walter,” (in Theologische Realenzyklopädie, Band 22.1, Walter de Gruyter,
“Textual Problems in the Epistle to the Hebrews,” (in Scribes and Scripture: New Testament
            Essays in Honour of J. Harold Greenlee, Eisenbrauns, 1992)
14 Articles (in Scottish Church History and Theology, T&T Clark)
“Paul in Acts and Letters,” (in Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, IVP USA and UK, 1993)